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Our Class leads will be running some qualifying sessions this coming Tuesday in prep for the Round 1 Broadcast final the following day on Wednesday.

To be included in the party join the GRIDLIFE Discord
XBOX All games and lobbies will be organized using the GRIDLIFE Discord. Lobbies are limited to 22 Players.


We will be starting all qualifying sessions via the GRIDLIFE Gaming Discord. There is no pre registration outside of the discord. We will be doing our call to GRID starting at 9:00PM EST in the each of the class channels #street-class #streetmod-class #trackmod-class #unlimited-class.

When the call to grid is made the first people to respond with the correct command AKA line up in grid will be able to participate in that lobby for the evening. IF YOU RESPOND BEFORE THE GRID CALL IS MADE YOU WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE LOBBY.

We will be running as many lobbies as we can simultaneously throughout the evening.

Remember qualifying times do not have to happen in an official session. You can submit any qualifying time from any session to be included in the Broadcast on Wednesday.